Wines Beers Oysters Cocktails 4pm to 6pm
Lilac Wine 31 Stephenson St Cremorne$4 oysters, $9 pet nat, $10 rosé and beers plus $12 cocktails Tuesday to Friday $9. Walk-ins and bookings welcome.
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$4 oysters, $9 pet nat, $10 rosé and beers plus $12 cocktails Tuesday to Friday $9. Walk-ins and bookings welcome.
More$3 Oysters, and $9 Wines and Pints, $14 Champagne, $12 Aperol Spritz every Thursday and Friday from 4pm - 6pm.
More$10 pale & Guinness pints, $10 wines & Prosecco, $12 Lemoncello spritz, $15 espresso martinis and $3.50 oysters. 4-7pm Tuesday to Sunday.
MoreSelected wines and beer pints $10, Sweet Tea Fizz and Club Spritz $18 plus Oysters $4 Wednesday 4pm to 6pm Wednesday to Friday.
More$4.5 oysters, $10 beer and wine plus $14 cocktails Friday 4pm to 6pm Friday. No bookings necessary.
More$10 spicy margs, spritzes (limoncello or aperol) and americanos, $10 snacks including shokupan and skewers.
More$10 lager pints, $10 glasses of tap wine & $12 spritz to go with $4 oysters & $5 plates Thursday 3pm to 6pm Thursday to Sunday.
More$10 pints and house wines plus $18 jugs plus $2 oysters Friday nights Friday 3pm to 6pm.
MoreA half dozen oysters and a pot of beer or glass of fizz for $20 between Monday 4pm to 6pm.
Half dozen kilpatrick oysters & a pot of Guinness from 1pm Fridays.
MoreAll diners on the terrace get a free tasty snack with each drink purchased Monday 4pm to 6pm for Patio Aperitivo. For example, oyster paired with a glass of wine for $12.
More$2.50 fresh natural oysters plus $35 all cocktail jugs. All day. All night. All Friday.
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