Sunbury Social Club Sunbury


What's on weekly specials

Sunbury Social Club in Sunbury has 1 weekly special; a Trivia Extravaganza Sunbury on Monday Add a special

It's early in the new year. Venues may not be open or running specials, so always check their website/socials. Thanks ❤️


Trivia Extravaganza Sunbury $10 6:30pm to 10pm

Monday nights at 6.30pm, it's $10 per player for a 3 hour game show extravaganza.

Brought you by Ben and Strictly Quizzness; text him 0431611425 with your first name and number of players on the team to book.

They offer a signature cocktail called the "Strictly Quizztail" which is delicious. The venue has an amazing menu on offer and really cheap drinks and cocktails.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoTrivia
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Last updated September 5, 2023
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